Debian Desktop Shortcuts
Here’s a post to make a Desktop Shortcut. First go to your desktop and right click and Open In Terminal.
nano ~/Desktop/appshortcut.desktop
Copy the Desktop Entry script below and insert it into the terminal. This file should be in your user Desktop.
To save, press CTRL + X then Y.
To paste in the terminal, press CTRL + SHIFT + V
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Name=RubyMine GenericName=RubyMine Exec=/root/Documents/RubyMine-2016.2.4/bin/ Terminal=false Icon=/root/Documents/RubyMine-2016.2.4/bin/RMlogo.svg Type=Application
Replace the Name and Generic Name with the name of your application.
Then replace Exec with the executable file location of your application.
You can also replace Icon with your application icon, this can be a png, svg, etc.
Once you created the file, you’ll notice the filename has changed to the GenericName in your file. Double Click and choose Mark as Trusted. This should make your icon appear, enjoy your shortcut!
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